Mentors / Handholders
Key Parameters:
The AWE Start-Up Challenge is designed around the following key parameters:
- Participation in the program for the emerging women entrepreneurs is free, but subject to a stipend for handholders, payable upon successful achievement of the deliverables by the start-ups;
- The program is of 12-months duration for participants, inclusive of 5-months of mentoring / handholding; &
- It consists of comprehensive knowledge-transfer components through a series of workshops, one-to-one exchanges and regular networking
Eligibility criteria:
The handholder will help the aspiring entrepreneurs to believe in themselves and trust in their own capabilities. They should ask questions and challenge the new entrepreneur to make them become more self-aware and direct their life in the directions that they can control. The following criteria must be met before an applicant can become a mentor/ hand-holder:
- Be a good business leader, professional or entrepreneur, with a minimum experience of 5 years in operating a business
- Be willing to impart their knowledge and empower the start-up
- Show a capacity for understanding the needs of new entrepreneur and be willing to work with them at all levels of business
- Be able to meet online with the emerging entrepreneur – or any other chosen method of delivery – at least two hours per month
- Be willing to complete a feedback form as and when required
- Be fluent in English
- Be ready to embark on a life-changing relationship and join a vibrant entrepreneurial community
- Be IT literate
- Have convenient access to Internet
- Be committed to assist the aspiring entrepreneurs in meeting the goals and objectives established by the program.
Mentoring is the support and encouragement of mentees (by approved mentors) to manage their own learning in order to maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance, and enable them to become the person they want to be.
A mentor and mentee relationship is based upon mutual trust and respect. To be a mentor is to have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. Mentors are enablers and catalysts. They turn on the light!

If your application to become a mentor is accepted, you will then be invited to participate in mentor training / induction to the AWE Start-Up challenge, which will be delivered either physically, online or both. This will give you the necessary tools to produce the best outcomes for both you and the mentee / handholdee.