CLARA CALOU (2017 – 2019) Access Report


Clara Calou is an international certified Management Lead Auditor who has audited over 250 companies in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean region over past 20 years.  For last 5 years, she has set up her own company to accompany & train companies to develop their full potential, align with international standards requirements, meet statutory and regulatory requirements relating to their product or service while achieving excellence in their customer service and delivery so as to be successful and sustainable in this fast changing world.

Clara Calou is also socially engaged to help women entrepreneurs stand on their feet and has been the President of AMFCE (Association Mauricienne des Femmes Chefs D’Entreprise ) over 2 years – 2017 to 2018, as well as board member of MCCI (Mauritius Chamber of Commerce Institute) during same period.

She has been selected by the US Embassy to be the Mauritius representative to the  IVLP (International Visitor Learning Program) in March 2019.

She has been appointed by the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities to be board member of MARENA (Mauritius Renewable Agency) for the period 2018-2019.

She believes that if ‘women grow, a nation grows to a better life’

Clara’s Vision for the 2-years Presidency

The 5 core themes, which was the focus areas of the 2-years Presidency of Clara Calou, can be summarized as follows:

  • Networking, caring, friendship

Create the appropriate space and events for members to meet up and get to know each other better

  • Professional growth

Provide opportunities to Members to grow their respective businesses

  • Support through projects

Provide assistance to members through involvement in Projects

  • Personal Growth

Provide opportunities to Members to grow personally

  • Contribution of members

To optimize on AMFCE members collaboration to further nation-wide projects

Achievements during Clara’s Presidency

  • Several local meetings and events were attended during the year, mainly with the Australian High Commission, the HRDC, NPCC, Ministry of Business Enterprise and Co-operatives, EFOI amongst others.   Worth noting are the following events, aimed at:

Personal Growth of AMFCE members:

  • 28th May 2018: Talk about “ One Woman’s Ontological journey through life” with The Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) chapter in collaboration with The Australian High Commission. By Professor Lyn Karstadt ,Deputy Vice Chancellor (International), Murdoch University, Australia
    • 28 August 2019- Members event: Workshop with CIM-Finance & the MRA

   25 October 2018 visit to SME Mauritius 

Professional growth / support through projects – mainly with the Australian High commission

  • 18 May 2018 Debrief meeting  with AHC on mentoring program
    • October 2018 – meetings with AHC for Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program + Project proposals consideration
    • 23 November 2018 AMFCE members participated in WHITE RIBBON FUND RAISING DINNER—Quote feedback from High Jenny Dee ‘Wonderful news – and thanks for the terrific support through AMFCE’
    • 28th August visit at AMFCE mentee, Lionnet Couture,  by Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls to see progress in line with  Mentoring program in the region
    • September 2018 –AMFCE Organised for Mrs Brunette Emilien – AMFCE mentee from Rodrigues for Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls to see progress in line with  Mentoring program in the region
    • 28 January 2019 –meeting with Ms HK Yu, First Assistant Secretary at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, H.E. Jenny Dee –also discussed possibility for 3rd Phase Mentoring program
  1. In terms of regional events, AMFCE participated in the AHC Coaching & Mentoring Programme Train The Mentor in Seychelles & Madagascar


  • 1st  May  2018 : Participation of AMFCE (Clara & Aline) in Women in Business in Madagascar
    • 2nd May 2018 Signature of MOU between GFEM and AMFCE for B to B
    • 2nd  May 2018: Meeting with the 9 provinces of Madagascar
    • 3rd May 2018: Visit to FIM (Foire International de Madagascar)
    • 4– 6  May : 2nd PHASE of  mentoring program in Comoros

An MOU was signed with the Seychelles Association of Women Entrepreneurs, SAWE.

  • On the international front, AMFCE attended the FCEM World Congress in Rome in November 2017

Major constraints

Time constraints: AMFCE-members are all professional working women, most of them running their businesses single-handedly.  The amount of time devoted to AMFCE is therefore restricted, but still, members try their best to be active and supportive

The way forward for AMFCE, beyond 2019

The main focus, for the next Presidency, will be on the organization of FCEM 2020 in Mauritius.  Over and above, it is vital

  • to sustain the relationship-build with Ministries, NPCC, HRDC, Australian High Commission, US embassy,
  • to consolidate relationship with the region & have common projects with Seychelles and Comoros with whom AMFCE has signed the MOU, and especially,
  • To continue the journey for women entrepreneur empowerment